


Uncertain Studio was founded by Tao Chiang and Yenting Tseng in Taiwan. Coming from a theatre background, they seek to combine Tseng’s obsession for animated objects with Chiang’s ambient and aleatoric soundscapes to create spatial works that act as both performance and installation pieces. In their collaborative efforts, dramatic characters are replaced by daily objects to create familiar settings in which movement and sound are generated by low-tech mechanics and the law of physics, along with occasional musical and narrative elements. Their quest is to continue the investigation into the possibilities of ‘no-man theatre,’ to construct portraits and narratives of human experience through the poetic utilization of objects and sounds which are, in themselves, lifeless.


人稱河童,出身國立臺北藝術大學劇場設計學系,主修燈光設計;後前往英國倫敦藝術大學溫布頓學院進修MA Visual Language of Performance,於當代藝術的領域中探索現成物件之為語彙的多重性。其作品大量挑戰與非常規空間工作,擅於運用環境特性與現成物件創造敘事場景。近年來關注物質和文明發展的多樣性,前往世界各地駐點創作,包括冰島藝術家協會(2014)、台灣寶藏巖國際藝術村(2016)、秘魯Sachaqa藝術生態村(2016)與英國Interval(2018)。2017年以集體創作作品《諸神黃昏》獲世界劇場設計展聲音設計金獎,同年度也以個人身分獲得牯嶺街小劇場年度特別獎。2019年成立測不準工作室。

Yen-Ting Tseng (a.k.a. Kappa) is a Taiwan-based artist born in 1984. She earned her BA for Lighting Design at Taipei National University of Arts, Taiwan, and started her career as a lighting, set and puppet designer for a huge range of theatrical productions. In 2010, she received her MA in Visual Language of Performance at Wimbledon College of Art, London, where she developed her unique style of performance based on her study in the doubling phenomenon of object created by the individual perception and the subjective mind of the spectator. The duality and unpredictability of objects are the main ideas throughout her diverse body of work, which includes theatre, installation, live performance and video, all of which are particularly connected with site-specific experience and the relationship between people and daily objects, showing surreal and sentimental landscapes within human beings via unexpected narrative.

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