

Foreman Lin

*影片可選擇中/英字幕 Video with optional Chinese and English subtitles


Songwriter/ Di-Hao ZHANG
Singer/ Di-Hao ZHANG

阿爸 阿爸 你敢有咧聽
阿爸 阿爸 我攏知影
阿爸 阿爸 你毋免煩惱
阿爸 阿爸 我會照顧 媽媽

高高的圍牆 大大的廠
無論到哪 油人的火焰永不熄滅

阿爸 阿爸 你敢有咧聽
阿爸 阿爸 我攏知影

轟轟隆隆 機器不停地響
這周上大夜 下周輪早八
為著某囝 油人的火焰永不熄滅

阿爸 阿爸 你敢有咧聽
阿爸 阿爸 我攏知影

謝謝公司 讓我們繼續住在宏毅
媽媽也就近 在廠裡做事情
您的同事 時常聯繫
總是照顧著我們 都是老鄰居
大學畢業後 向您學習
考進中油 油人的火焰永不熄滅

阿爸 阿爸 你敢有咧聽
阿爸 阿爸 我攏知影

阿爸 阿爸 你毋免煩惱
阿爸 阿爸 我會照顧 媽媽

記得那天 媽媽都不說話
我也不懂 時鐘滴滴答答
不怨天地 一切都是命啊
阿爸阿爸 我們還在等你回家

阿爸 阿爸
阿爸 阿爸

阿爸 阿爸 你敢有咧聽
阿爸 阿爸 咱為著某囝
阿爸 阿爸 我咧拍拼
阿爸 阿爸 咱總有一天

Papa, Papa, are you listening?
Your grandson is already eleven years old.
Papa, Papa, I understand
That our hard work is for the society
Papa, Papa, don’t you worry
Papa, Papa, I would take care of Mama.

The walls are tall. The factory is huge.
It’s been seven years since I moved to Dalin
The oil refinery is the hope of Taiwan.
Wherever I am, the spark of the oil man never burns out.

Papa, Papa, are you listening?
Your grandson is already eleven years old.
Papa, Papa, I understand
That our hard work is for the society

Rumble, rumble, the sounds of machines.
Last week I did night shift, next week the early morning.
I just sit down to rest, and then have to do another inspection.
For my family, the spark of the oil man never burns  out.

Papa, Papa, are you listening?
Your grandson is already eleven years old.
Papa, Papa, I understand
That our hard work is for the society

Thanks to the company, for letting us stay at the staff housing.
Mama is also working in the factory.
Your old colleagues often call us.
They always help us out, we’re old neighbors.
After college, I learnt from you.
I got into CPC, the spark of the oil man never burns  out.

Papa, Papa, are you listening?
Your grandson is already eleven years old.
Papa, Papa, I understand
That our hard work is for the society
Papa, Papa, don’t you worry
Papa, Papa, I would take care of Mama.

I remember that day, Mama wouldn’t speak.
I didn’t understand. Tick-tock, the clock.
We don’t blame the heavens. It’s all tough luck.
Papa, Papa, we are still waiting for you to come home.

Papa, Papa
Papa, Papa

Papa, Papa, are you listening?
Papa, Papa, we do it for our family.
Papa, Papa, I work hard.
Papa, Papa, one day…

Mama is still waiting for you to come home.
We are still waiting for you to come home.

This place is our home.
This place is our home.

1978年 出生於高雄煉油廠宏毅宿舍
1984年 六歲 就讀私立油廠國民小學
1988年 十歲 父親因工安意外事故過世
1989年 十一歲 母親進入高雄煉油廠工作
1990年 十二歲 進入私立國光中學就讀
2000年 二十二歲 大學畢業
2002年 二十四歲 退伍後考進中油高雄煉油廠
2007年 二十九歲 結婚
2010年 三十二歲 兒子出生
2014年 三十六歲 調職至大林煉油廠
2020年 四十二歲


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